Exhibition temporary
July 22, 2014, marks the 70th anniversary of the liquidation of the concentration camp at Majdanek. Prepared for this occasion, the exhibition evokes the memory of its prisoners. The individual life stories of the people who were victims of the Nazi persecution and extermination policies make up the history of the Majdanek camp.
Exhibition temporary
Więźniowie Majdanka - biogramy
Exhibition temporary
Nearly 80 years after the camp’s liquidation, studies pertaining to its topography have yet to be conclusively completed. Archival sources often contain information that is imprecise and field verification of research results is not always possible as a considerable part of the former camp has since been taken over by the expanding city.
Exhibition constant
"Shrine" is an artistic intallation that combines such elements as sculpture, drawings and music. Its aim is to pay tribute to all anonymous victims of KL Lublin.
Exhibition temporary
"Doctors in Prison Uniforms. Medical Service at Majdanek" is the first exposition of the State Museum at Majdanek which was prepared to be viewed on the Internet. Not only does it concentrate on the history of the functioning of infirmaries or the lazaret for Soviet POWs, but it is also an attempt to answer the question whether and in what ways it was possible to treat the inmates in really poor camp conditions. The exhibition is illustrated with video footages, scans of archival documents and photographs of the artifacts found at Majdanek after the war.
Wystawa zakończona
Wystawa poświęcona dr Stefanii Perzanowskiej – polskiej lekarce, która tworząc w obozie szpital uratowała wiele współwięźniarek. Niosła im pomoc na przekór katastrofalnym warunkom bytowym i brakowi dostępu do leków.
Wystawa zakończona
"The Extermination of Jews in the German Operation Reinhardt” thoroughly descirbes the genocide of Jews conducted in the General Government by the Third Reich within the years 1942-1943.
Wystawa zakończona
The phrase „never again” very frequently appears as a title to various anti-war exhibitions and events that most commonly refer to World War II. Never Again? used in the form of a question gains an entirely new and grievous meaning as it confronts this timeworn slogan with reality – exposing its futility and shattering hope for those words to come into fruition.
Wystawa zakończona
Wystawa zakończona
Wystawa zakończona
In 1967 the Council for the Protection of Martyrdom Sites and the Society for the Protection of Majdanek proclaimed a competition for the design of a monument commemorating the victims of Konzentrationslager Lublin. Apart from paying homage to those murdered at Majdanek, the monument was intended to secure the mound with the ashes of the victims, raised in the museum in 1947. The foreground of the former camp or area around the crematorium were indicated as areas where the future commemoration was to be built. Nearly 140 projects were submitted.
Wystawa zakończona
The exhibition displays 33 works of Polish artists, made in various graphic techniques and presenting the creators’ various approaches to the issues of war, death, extermination and camps.
Wystawa zakończona
The war, its causes and consequences: cruelty, suffering, separation, fear, despair, death; and at the same time thirst of peace, happiness, order and home esteem – they are the main subjects of twelve paintings on glass by Zdzisław Walczak and Janina Walczak-Budzicz nee Jarosz. The artists coming from Zakopane are well-known folk artists and advocates of valuable folk tradition from Podhale.
Wystawa zakończona
For 75 years, exceptional and moving memorabilia of people imprisoned in the German Nazi concentration camp have been sent to the Archives of the State Museum at Majdanek. Former prisoners or their families provide the Museum with the most valuable family treasures attesting to their internment in the camp, and often to their tragic death in KL Lublin.
Wystawa zakończona
Wystawa prezentująca najnowsze wydawnictwo Państwowego Muzeum na Majdanku – komiks „Chleb wolnościowy”. 15 plansz ekspozycji ustawionych w przestrzeni miasta przybliża autentyczne relacje więźniów KL Lublin.
Wystawa zakończona
The exhibition “Districts of Extermination. Ghettos for Jews in German-occupied Lublin” presents the episodic history of Lublin Ghetto as well as of a residual ghetto at Majdan Tatarski in a cross-sectoral manner.
Wystawa zakończona
The Days of Majdanek were an event with a history nearly as long as that of the State Museum at Majdanek itself. They were first organized in September 1945. The idea for the event was first proposed in the circles of former Majdanek prisoners and quickly found considerable public support. Other members of the event’s organizing committee included representatives of cultural and scientific circles, local authorities and social organizations. For many years, the Society for the Protection of Majdanek, established in November 1945, served as the main organizer of the event while also supporting other efforts of the Museum at Majdanek opened in the autumn of 1944.
Wystawa zakończona
This summer the 75th anniversary of the displacement of the Polish families from the Zamość Region to the German concentration camp at Majdanek is marked. The exhibition is devoted to the tragic fates of the region inhabitants who were detained in KL Lublin in June and July 1943.
Wystawa zakończona
The exhibition presents a collection of 18 drawings by Józef Richter, dating back to the period from 1942 to 1944 and depicting the persecution and extermination of Jews in the Lublin region. Apart from scenes from the labor camps in Trawniki and Lublin, the concentration camp at Majdanek, and the death camp in Sobibór, the images also relate to the history of the ghettos and other sites of the Holocaust in the Lublin District.
Wystawa zakończona
Wystawa zakończona
Marking the 75th anniversary of the liquidation of the German ghettos for Jews in Lublin, the exhibition “Districts of Extermination” consists of 15 display boards. They are located in the area of the Old Town where one of the two “Jewish residential districts” existed in the occupied city. The exhibition presents photographs and historical documents from Polish and foreign archives, as well as private collections and fragments of accounts.
Wystawa zakończona
Sixteen dolls lie in the Collections Department of the State Museum at Majdanek. They were found on the grounds of the former german, nazi concentration camp after its liquidation in 1944. Nothing is known about their owners but we know that they belonged to children who were imprisoned in KL Lublin during the German occupation. Tal Schwartz is a young Israeli photographer who has decided to photograph the dolls of Majdanek.
Wystawa zakończona
The exhibition prepared by Danuta Olesiuk and prof. Lechosław Lameński presents over 100 works from the collections of the State Museum at Majdanek, which include nearly 7 thousand works of art.
Wystawa zakończona
Despite the historical significance ascribed to the deportations of Poles during the German occupation, the subject is rarely taken in the activities of Polish martyrdom museums. The exhibition "The Displaced from the Zamość Region in the Majdanek Camp" is the only museum realization in recent years that popularized knowledge of the deportation action in Zamość in 1943.