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  • 13.07.2015

    Copy of the OPUS report made in the summer of 1943

    On July 13, 1943, Kazimierz Kobuz (alias Kazimierz) sent a report on the situation in the camp to the OPUS headquarters. His report included:

  • 06.07.2015

    On July 2, 1943, the camp fields filled up with hundreds of prisoners from the pacified Zamość region

    On July 2, 1943, the camp fields filled up with hundreds of prisoners from the pacified Zamość region. There are many documents preserved that concern this group of detainees, including 64 money records. 28 of them are related to inhabitants of Aleksandrów. Agnieszka Koman, born 1904 in Aleksandrów, was marked with the highest number on that day – 15350. She was released from the camp on August 8, 1943.

  • 29.06.2015

    On June 28, 1942, Adolf Gokorsch, a 43-years-old German criminal, was registered in the Majdanek camp

    On June 28, 1942, Adolf Gokorsch, a 43-years-old German criminal from Vienna, was registered in the Majdanek camp. Previously, he had been detained in Dachau, where he was marked camp number 341. At Majdanek he was marked with camp number 108. According to his money records, he – similarly to many German prisoners – made some deposits and withdrawals from his account.

  • 09.06.2015

    On June 9, 1942, Józef Czerwisiński (Czerkawski) from Lublin was detained in the Majdanek camp

    On June 9, 1942, Józef Czerwisiński (Czerkawski) from Lublin was detained in the Majdanek camp. He was marked with camp number 4737 that earlier had been given to another prisoner. He was most probably released from the camp on September 8, 1942.

  • 02.06.2015

    Fragments of clothing files

    On June 2, 1943, 9 women from Lublin were detained in the Majdanek camp. Among them, there was Maria Wolf, born 1917, who was marked with number 12138 in KL Lublin. As majority of her companions in misery, she was transported to Ravensbrück on April 19, 1944.

  • 26.05.2015

    Rozkaz nr 1944/3, w którym komendant obozu KL Lublin odnosi się do ucieczki więźniów z 15 maja 1944 r.

    22 maja 1944 r. komendant obozu KL Lublin wydał rozkaz nr 1944/3, w którym odnosił się do ucieczki więźniów z 15 maja 1944 r. W rozkazie tym możemy przeczytać, że zaostrzono przepisy odnośnie poruszania się samochodami w obrębie obozu. Od tej pory prowadzić pojazdy mogli wyłącznie kierowcy SS posiadający prawo jazdy wydane przez WVHA (SS-Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungshauptamt – Główny Urząd Gospodarki i Administracji SS).

  • 19.05.2015

    Maksymilian Jałocha’s record

    On May 22, 1942, a group of Polish prisoners from the Lublin region was brought to the Majdanek concentration camp. They were arrested in Lubartów and its surroundings, and then transported to Lublin. Some of prisoners were given numbers that had been used before in the Majdanek camp – e.g., Maksymilian Jałocha was given number 5426, but most of them were given new numbers above 8300.

  • 12.05.2015

    The unusual escape of three prisoners

    On May 15, 1944, three prisoners fled from Fahrbereitschaft Kommando from field III. They were Mikołaj Stebliński “Sasza,” Michał Nadziejko and Jan Poniatowski. The initiator of the escape plan was “Sasza” Stebliński. On that day he received an urgent task to overhaul the commandants car.

  • 04.05.2015

    The bombing of Lublin and concentration camp, May 11, 1944

    On May 11, 1944, the Soviet air force executed a bombing of Lublin. The concentration camp at Majdanek was also shelled. The first bombs hit the city at 21:30, and the bombardment of Majdanek began an hour before midnight. The raid left more than 200 casualties in the city alone but didnt kill any prisoners at KL Lublin.

  • 29.04.2015

    Transport of people from the Warsaw ghetto

    At the end of April 1943, a transport of people from the Warsaw ghetto, a fight-zone then, reached the concentration camp in Lublin. According to the daily records of the men camp, on the April 26, 1943, there were 12 957 prisoners in a camp. A day later the number rose up to 16 453. This means that within one day the number of inmates increased by 3496.

  • 21.04.2015

    On April 22,1944, the camp post office sent a few deliveries, money orders and parcels containing valuable objects

    On April 22,1944, the camp post office sent a few deliveries, money orders and parcels containing valuable objects. The first and third entry in the post book (entries 187 and 189) concern the shipment of valuable objects belonging to the female prisoners who were transported to the concentration camp in Ravensbrück on April 19, 1944.

  • 14.04.2015

    Rolnicy aresztowani i osadzeni w obozie w odwecie za zastrzelenie niemieckiego żandarma

    On April 10, 1943, names of 18 prisoners were registered into the record book of the concentration camp in Lublin. They were arrested in the villages of the Lublin District in. Among the detained Poles there were 11 peasants arrested on April 2, 1943, in retaliation for the shooting of a German gendarme in Kolechowice near Lubartów on March 15, 1943.

  • 07.04.2015

    On April 7, 1944, the Head of Administration of KL Lublin, Anthon Thernes, added 28.5 grams of gold and 7.5 grams of “white metal” to the camp

    On April 7, 1944, the Head of Administration of KL Lublin, Anthon Thernes, added 28.5 grams of gold and 7.5 grams of “white metal” to the camp. These precious metals were probably taken from Jewish inmates of the camp in Bliżyn near Radom. It had been under the authorities of Majdanek since 1944.

  • 23.03.2015

    112 zakładników z okolic Włodawy w obozie na Majdanku

    On March 28, 1943, 112 hostages from the area around Włodawa were detained in field IV of the Majdanek concentration camp. They were peasants, put in preventive custody for having murdered District Commissioner Götz and his family. Between March 23 and 26, in reprisal for this murder, German military police pacified a few villages near Włodawa, including Lubień, Wyryki-Adampol, Skorodnica and Kamień.

  • 16.03.2015

    Ucieczka z obozu grupy Stefana Iwanka

    Stefan Iwanek, born in 1919 in Lublin, was arrested on March 12, 1943, in Garbów for affiliation to the resistance movement (Bataliony Chłopskie – Polish Peasants Battalions). He was then committed to the prison in the Lublin Castle. On August 13, 1943, he was detained at Majdanek. He was there given number 5288 and got assignment to Gärtnerei Kommando (garden kommando).

  • 09.03.2015

    The hostages from Huta Stara

    On March 10, 1943, Franciszek Papierz, Antoni Tryka and Wojciech Fronczak from Huta Stara in the Biłgoraj district were incarcerated at Majdanek. They were arrested on March 9, 1943, in retaliation for the attack on the Polish Blue Police station in Huta Krzeszowska which happened on February 27, 1943.

  • 02.03.2015

    Zmiana oficjalnej nazwy obozu, 16 lutego 1943

    Władysław Mularczyk (born in 1905 in Stawka) was released from Majdanek on March 6, 1943. Mularczyk arrived at Majdanek in mid-December 1942. His release form captures attention. The original release form was printed on April 9, 1942, when the camp was still known as Kriegsgefangenenlager Lublin (camp for prisoners of war).

  • 24.02.2015

    Stanisław Bartoszak's money records, February 24, 1943

    On 24 February 1943, Stanisław Bartoszak, born in 1909 in Kosarzew near Bychawa, was released from the concentration camp at Majdanek. He and a group of hostages from locations between Bychawa and Krzczonów were arrested in autumn 1942.

  • 17.02.2015

    Feliks Łukasiewicz's clothing files, February 16, 1943

    On February 16, 1943, several people were detained in the Majdanek camp. Among them there was Feliks Łukasiewicz from Pleszewo (Greater Poland), born 1907. He was marked with camp number 9016. He died on April 1, 1943. According to the camp death certificate, he died from pleurisy.

  • 10.02.2015

    Dokument o liczebności obozu męskiego w dniu 10 lutego 1943

    Z fragmentarycznie zachowanego dokumentu z 10 lutego 1943 r. odczytać można stan obozu męskiego, który wynosił 8340 więźniów.

  • 04.02.2015

    The first recorded contribution, February 1, 1942

    On February 1, 1942, an unnamed Soviet prisoner of war paid in 40 RM (Reichsmarks) to the camp's fund. It was the first recorded contribution, therefore it got no. 1 in the contribution register.

  • 26.01.2015

    A doll dressed in a denim clothing with gray and blue stripes

    A doll, dressed in a denim clothing with gray and blue stripes, typical for the female prisoners of the concentration camp, made at the tailors Schneiderei in the Majdanek camp.

  • 21.01.2015

    Personal card from KGL Lublin

    On January 18, 1943, a transport of prisoners from Pawiak, consisting of 1005 men and 331 women, reached Lublin. Among the men there were brothers Mieczysław and Kazimierz Rurka, who lived in the Żoliborz district in Warsaw, in Krasińskiego Street. They were arrested on November 9, 1942, and incarcerated in barracks no. 10 at field III.

  • 19.01.2015

    document of Jan Jurecki's registration in the camp

    On 14th January 1943, 52 prisoners died in the camp at Majdanek. Only the death of 5 Poles was noted down in the book of prisoners' deaths. The deaths of Jewish hadn't beed recorded for the past two weeks. Jan Jurkiewicz, born in 1904 and living in Podhajce, also died on that day. He was sent to the camp on 4th October 1942 along with 40 other fellow prisoners. The group received the numbers from 16949 to 16989.


