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  • Recommendations for Teaching and Learning about the Holocaust

    These recommendations, written by a group of international experts, are crafted to help educators with fact-based and educationally sound techniques for teaching the complex and nuanced history of the Holocaust.

  • Muzeum dla nauczycieli. Edukacja historyczna online

    Materiały edukacyjne do przeprowadzania lekcji muzealnych online związanych tematycznie z historią niemieckiego obozu koncentracyjnego na Majdanku.

  • Pedagogy of remembrance

    The pedagogy of remembrance is gradually becoming an independent field of educational theory and practice. It is a concept of extracurricular historical and social education, which exposes the cognitive and educational possibilities springing from acquiring knowledge about Second World War crimes via the confrontation with authentic documents and memorials of the past.

  • Educational offerings

    All educational activity is underpinned by theories on the pedagogy of remembrance, which emphasise an active approach to the learning of history. The very specific subject area covered by the State Museum at Majdanek provides fertile ground
    for individual consideration of the moral dimension of the Nazi persecution policies, in turn offering a basis for personal development and active engagement in civic and social concerns.

  • Educational Package

    The Museum issued "Educational Package" - a publication which facilitates teachers the organization of the visits to the State Museum at Majdanek. It was created especially for educationalists of lower and upper secondary schools who are interested in out-of-school historical education at the Museum at Majdanek.


